Why you Should Pre-Arranging Cremation

Urn on table with candles lit around it

Planning for the end of your life is something the average person thinks about often but planning ahead is important for us all, not just people who are dying. It makes a huge difference for loved ones, relatives and friends and can help you know that the ones you love will be looked after when you are gone. If you haven’t thought about how you would like your body disposed of when you die, you might want to consider cremation. In 2016, the U.S. cremation rate surpassed 50 percent for the first time, according to the National Funeral Directors Association. By 2025, it's expected to become the disposition of choice for 64 percent of Americans, and by 2035, that number is projected to rise to a staggering 79 percent. Here are some steps to take when it comes to pre-planning your cremation, according to cremation.com. 

Choosing a Provider

In preplanning, the first step is to choose a cremation service provider you trust, who is considered reputable and is able to fulfill your wishes. With your spouse or family, make a list of questions and concerns to ask the provider. 

Communication is Key

In the pre planning process, include family members, friends, or other loved ones. The more everyone knows about the process, the easier it will be to avoid confusion, disagreement, or hurt feelings. Loved ones can help make the difficult decisions of where to be cremated. In working this process out with loved ones, document what you decide, either in your will or with the crematory you have selected.

Paying for Cremation

When you’ve settled on your decisions, it’s best to pay for the arrangements so there are no doubts or mistakes later. Your life insurance company (if applicable) should be contacted. Although the company won’t provide payment at this point, you and your loved ones will get information on how, and if, insurance will cover the arrangements. With this in mind, it’s easier to plan the entire process.

If family or loved ones are paying for the arrangements, coming to agreements with them is a crucial part of the pre planning process. Make sure everyone understands who is assuming financial responsibility, what you’ve budgeted, and go forward accordingly. At A1 Affordable Cremation you can choose to record your wishes on paper and we will maintain a file for your family.  However, by prepaying for your arrangements you protect you and your family from the danger of inflation.  It ensures your expenses are covered at the time they are needed.

Ready to start?

Request a personal appointment with an A1 Affordable Cremation pre-planning adviser. We will assist you in recording your personal information and completing the planning process.

Whether you wish to memorialize your loved ones with a personalized urn, a piece of jewelry or a special keepsake, Pre-planning is a simple matter of taking the time to write down your wishes.  It provides you an opportunity to make decisions in a calm and relaxed atmosphere. At A1 Affordable Cremation, we believe deeply in what we do and we take great pride in our ability to help your family at a difficult time. We have 24-hour availability by phone at 386-405-3128, or you can visit our website for more information at: http://a1affordablecremation.com/



