Why you Should Pre-Arranging Cremation
Planning for the end of your life is something the average person thinks about often but planning ahead is important for us all, not just people who are dying. It makes a huge difference for loved ones, relatives and friends and can help you know that the ones you love will be looked after when you are gone. If you haven’t thought about how you would like your body disposed of when you die, you might want to consider cremation . In 2016, the U.S. cremation rate surpassed 50 percent for the first time, according to the National Funeral Directors Association. By 2025, it's expected to become the disposition of choice for 64 percent of Americans, and by 2035, that number is projected to rise to a staggering 79 percent. Here are some steps to take when it comes to pre-planning your cremation, according to cremation.com. Choosing a Provider In preplanning, the first step is to choose a cremation service provider you trust, who is considered reputable and is able to fulfill your wishes...